Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 21

Three weeks in, I'm kind of ready for it to be over, or at least I want to feel something really dramatic, you know?

I had breakfast pie and 1/2 avocado for breakfast, chicken, avocado and brussel sprouts for lunch and for dinner a sweet potato and lamb meatballs.

I'm going camping this weekend but it's at this hippie thing so I think I'll be good as far as food goes. I'm not too worried. However, I won't be posting again til Sunday.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 20


Breakfast was breakfast pie, lunch was lamb meatballs and broccoli, and dinner was a veggie hamburger patty with sautéed squash and zucchini along with strawberries and a bit of pineapple.

Nothing new to report, I'm feeling good. I think I'm getting a little bored but I haven't had time to be creative with my meals. I've also been curious about what I'm going to do once I'm done with my Whole30!! I really don't think I'll do much different except maybe have a dessert now and again. I definitely DEFINITELY want to be sure I don't get addicted to soda again. It's been 20 days and I haven't had one so I think I'm on the right track :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 19

Today was a good day! Breakfast was some breakfast pie, lunch was chicken and green beans and dinner was the salad bar at Jason's Deli which is the restaurant I was trying to think of last time when I went there with my friend.

I've found that I'm eating less and getting full faster, which I suppose is good. I bought a dress from anthropologie yesterday and I had to get a small! I don't know if that is due to the Whole30 or just the fact the the dress ran a bit big, but it was still exciting :)

Work has been super busy which is also contributing to the fact that I don't think about what I can/can't have, so that is awesome!

Day 18

Woops! I was way too tired to post last night. It was a good day though.

Pretty standard stuff for breakfast and lunch and then I had dinner at Aria with a friend which was a complicated menu but I emailed the chef before hand and got some delicious cauliflower soup as wells as ahi tuna crudo! It was amazing.

This was just a quick post so everyone knows I didn't fall off the wagon :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 17

Each post I write I can't believe how high the number is! Less than 2 weeks left!

This morning I had a piece of breakfast pie and something else I can't remember.
Lunch was that breakfast casserole I made that I'm actually not really a fan of, it's so eggy!
Dinner was the lamb meatballs, a banana, and like 2 bites of sweet potato. I got this bag that you can microwave potatoes in and it only takes 6 minutes but it tastes really gross. I think waiting an hour is worth it for a good baked sweet potato!

I'm still kind of hungry but I think I'll wait. I hope my impulses don't get the best of me...actually they might. I really want some prunes. Is that weird? I think it is. Wanting prunes is better than wanting coke, pizza and chocolate right?

I think so. I'm going to get some prunes.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 16

Today was another one of those weird days, I do way better with this during the week.

I've recently become obsessed with prunes. Yesterday I accidentally bought dates which scared the heck out of me when I opened them because they kind of looked like roaches. Ew. So I went back and paid attention this time and bought prunes.

I woke up a little late for church so "breakfast" was prunes and almonds.. yum.

I went to Terrace Cafe with Sarah for lunch and got that omelet I had last time when I went with Lisa. Then I headed to mom and dads to get mom to go shopping with me so she could start her Whole30. It was great because she bought me some stuff too! (Thanks Mom!)

We made hamburger patties with peppers and onions for her week and I also showed her the breakfast pie recipe, which I have cooking in my crockpot right now!

Dinner for me was some more of my omelet. I fill up SO FAST now, it's ridiculous. It's like I eat one bit and I'm full. Just kidding, that's a huge exaggeration. However, I do think this whole thing is effective because Sarah told me I look like I've lost some weight. Woohoo!

I also ran 25 minutes today, it felt good.

On an unrelated note, I've finished all 4 seasons of Ugly Betty :( So I guess instead of watching like 3 episodes before bed I will just read some of my book and go to sleep!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 15

I'M HALFWAY DONE! I can hardly believe it! Today was kind of a weird day because my afternoon/dinner included me just eating almonds and prunes til I was full. Woops.

HOWEVER, I tried a recipe from Well Fed, this paleo cookbook I bought. Oh, and I am completely blanking on what I had for breakfast... hmmm...

Anyway, for lunch I had Moroccan Meatballs! Here is the list of ingredients:

Meatballs: fresh parsley, paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, ground lamb (!!!)
Sause: coconut oil, onion, garlic, paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, tomatoes, water, tomato paste, parsley

I have NEVER tried lamb before and it was pretty okay. It made my apartment smell really good! My dad really loved the recipe and so did my mom. Here is what it looked like before the meatballs went to cook in the pot...

And this is what it looked like after with the sauce (you can't really see the meatballs...)

It made plenty of leftovers, and I'll eat them, but I don't know if I will be making that recipe again. I'm really glad I ventured out and tried it. It made me buy even more spices so I have quite the inventory!

It's all downhill from now!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 14

I've made it two whole weeks! Today was rough because I REALLY wanted to quit and eat a whole box of chocolates. The idea of 16 more days seemed pretty daunting but I think I'll survive!

For breakfast I heated up some pork and put it on top of some fresh spinach, lunch was a piece of the new breakfast casserole and some green beans, then dinner was the rest of the pork and a sweet potato. I've been getting full SO fast lately too.

After work (before my dinner and working out) I was feeling a bit light headed so I got some almonds and dried plums for a snack.

I went do my run work out which was 5 minute walk warm up then (1 minute run fast, 2 minute walk) x 8 then 5 minute walk cool down. I thought there was a Total Strength Class at the Harris YMCA but I was definitely wrong, so I'm going to do a strength class tomorrow!

I have to call it another early night because I'm volunteering at the Girls on the Run 5k tomorrow!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 13

So yesterday I didn't really have for dinner what I said I was going to because I didn't have time to eat at home. I had a delicious salad from extreme pita!

I did try my new breakfast casserole though. It looks SO good, but I actually like that sweet potato breakfast pie better, so I will make that once the current casserole is gone. Here is a picture of it:

So I had the last little piece of the old casserole and a little piece of the new casserole and 1/2 avocado for breakfast. For lunch I went to Chipotle yum yum. Then after work I met up with my friend Sara for coffee, then went to a deep stretch class with Elisabeth. After that we got dinner at a place that now I can't remember the name. It's like Jimmy John's, but not.. gah, I wish I could remember. It was good. I got the salad bar and went crazy with all the Whole30 compliant toppings. Even though I'm full, I don't feel gross or bloated which is awesome!

It's late! I'm going to watch an episode of Ugly Betty and probably go to bed!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 12

Happy May! I'm posting early with a projection of what I'm going to be eating because I'm busy tonight! I did not get up in time for Total Strength today.. woops. I'll go work out on the steptical after work and before my meeting at 7.

Here is the menu for today:

Breakfast: Breakfast pie, half an avocado
Lunch: Pork heaven, half an avocado, asparagus
Dinner: Salmon and a sweet potato

I brought my tea to work today so when I have the impulse to snack either in the morning or afternoon I can have a nice cup of rooibos tea.

I'm also out of vegetables minus the squash and onions I haven't been able to cook so I'm for sure going to need to get some more veggies maybe after work or after my meeting or sometime where I can find a spare 15 minutes.

I'm so ready for the weekend, I kind of just want to relax!!!