Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 10

Today was good! I had consistent energy throughout the day and at no point was I ever starving or feeling ravenous. I had a hard(ish) workout this morning which was walk 5 minutes for warm up then run 5 walk 1 (repeat 5x) then walk 5 to cool down. Here is the menu from today:

Breakfast: Breakfast Pie and half an avocado
got to work and had an apple and a larabar
Lunch: Yummy pork and a ton of green beans
Dinner: Shrimp, a tomato and brussel sprouts! Which I actually really liked!!!

After work Devon and I went to a Total Strength class at the Y that totally killed my arms, so I'm looking forward to not being able to even lift a glass to my mouth to drink water. This subsequently means I may have a hard time shoveling food down my throat which may force me to actually have some self control (I just inhaled my last larabar while typing this...woops.)

I'm a third of the way done!! I counted the days on my calendar and I will be done May 21, which is a Sunday and will simultaneously be a day of rest and quite possibly overindulgence...but I won't get ahead of myself!

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