Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 3

Okay, so day 3 wasn't as bad as my motivational email claimed it was going to be this morning. Seriously... the title of the email was "One of the Toughest Days".

Really the only thing tough about it was the fact that I packed carrots as part of my lunch. Let me recap what I ate.

Breakfast was the same patty/tomato/avocado meal. Lunch was shrimp, carrots, green beans and some strawberries. Dinner was grilled salmon (that I accidentally overcooked) and 2 baked squash seasoned with salt and pepper and some red spice I forget the name of now. It looked like this:

It was divine! And, I think I have a solution for the carrot problem. I'm going to buy some apples and then make baked carrots and apples with cinnamon. I think they will be tastier and easier to stomach that way.

My sleep was very good last night. I woke up at 5 and did the first workout Lia prescribed which was 5 minute walking warm up, run 5 walk 1 (do that 4x) then walk 5 minutes. It was really great getting it out of the way and not having to do it when I got home.

Speaking of when I got home, I joined the Y today! I'll be there bright and early to be a beast on the adaptable motion trainer (or steptical as I like to call it.)

Off to read and go to bed, it's really hard to make myself go to sleep when it's light outside... but it definitely pays off!

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